Community-driven Web3 World of Warcraft mod Market Wars has entered open beta, allowing players to earn on-chain rewards for the first time.
These rewards – which include items, skins, and a $10,000 USD prize pool – can be gathered now through 12 in-game Quests, with distribution set to coincide with the full launch of Market Wars later this year.
The Market Wars open beta is available to download and play immediately, via the HyperPlay web3 game store.

What is Market Wars?
Market Wars is a free-to-play community-driven Web3 mod for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, built on Ethereum, and available on PC.
Players start as fresh level 70 characters in Northrend, progressing through the content within Wrath of the Lich King in gameplay typical of the hugely popular MMO. A number of differences have been made – e.g. monsters drop recipes, instead of items – with the ability for items to become NFT collectibles to be minted on-chain.
Market Wars is the inaugural title in the Game7 Developer Program, and utilises the full Game7 suite to power its Web3 gameplay. Community interactions are powered through Game7’s Summon, downloads are available through HyperPlay, development has been conducted using World Builder, and the mod is built on the G7 Network.

What can you earn in Market Wars?
During this open beta phase, Market Wars will utilise a test token – though by completing quests, players can still compete for on-chain rewards.
A total of 12 quests are now available to players. These consist of challenges such as reaching level 80 on both Alliance and Horde characters, acquiring a Legendary item, or completing all Northrend Dungeons on Heroic difficulty.
Each quest provides a different on-chain reward, which will be distributed once the mod fully-launches later in 2025. A $10,000 USDC prize pool is also up for grabs, with $250 distributed to the player deemed to be the Most Valuable Tester, $150 to 5 runner-ups, and $9,000 split evenly between players that reach Level 80 and complete a playtester survey.

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